| Suzan Summers Brandt | TEDxYouthMBJH Organizer

🔻 { Connecting to Communicate } 🔻 conversation with TED❌Youth@MBJH 2018: Together Organizer Suzan Summers Brandt. She is a firm believer in students having a voice. In our conversation, Suzan shares how the students go through the process to give well-prepared talks on the red dot. I am thankful for her collaboration with TEDxBirmingham, because she has shared insightful wisdom regarding TEDx overall. She helped me with revising parts of my TEDx talk. While she was giving advice, I learned about TEDxYouth@MBJH and wanted to get involved. Through connecting with Suzan, I gained a good friend who knows the right encouraging thing to say to uplift others. The students are blessed to have Suzan Brandt in their corner.


AFTER TED❌Birmingham 2018: Catch glimpses of my continued efforts of { connecting to communicate } through a series of microvideo conversations with those involved with TED❌YOUTH@MBJH: "Together." This independently organized, local event was held at Mountain Brook Junior High to provide the yout h (mostly eighth and ninth graders) an opportunity to share a TED-like experience. Thursday, 10 May 2018

#TED #TEDx #TEDxYouthMBJH #tedxyouthmbjh2018 #together #birmingham #YouCanDoIt #innovativeeducation #makebirminghamgreatagain #makebirminghambetter #connect2communicate #speakerSEM #SEMspeaker #publicspeaker #maestrospeaker #differentlyabled #differentlyabledspeaker #hearingimpairedpublicspeaker #listener #thepepsimoment #pepsimoment #pepsi #tedxbirmingham2018speaker #tedxbham #tedxbirmingham #tedxbirmingham2018 #tedxbham2018 #beforeXafter