| Tristan |
🔻 { Connecting to Communicate } 🔻 [ ENG students edition ] conversation with Jefferson State Community College student Tristan, who recently finished taking my ENG 101 class. Here is a glimpse of good student-instructor interaction, revealing a good, easy-going rapport and respect. Tristan acknowledges how the writing prompts challenged him to hone his critical thinking skills under pressure...writing while not knowing when I call out "Stop. Next prompt." Tuesday, 24 April 2018. .
AFTER TED❌Birmingham 2018: Catch glimpses of my continued efforts of { connecting to communicate } through a series of microvideo conversations with my own students at Jefferson State Community College, Clanton Campus.
#jeffersonstatecommunitycollege #jscc #ACS #EnglishInstructor #Educator #writingprompts #pedagogicalmethod #writingtoteach #studentinstructorinteraction #makebirminghamgreatagain #makebirminghambetter #connect2communicate #speakerSEM #SEMspeaker #publicspeaker #maestrospeaker #differentlyabled #differentlyabledspeaker #hearingimpairedpublicspeaker #listener #thepepsimoment #pepsimoment #pepsi #tedxbirmingham2018speaker #tedxbham #tedxbirmingham #tedxbirmingham2018 #tedxbham2018 #beforeXafter