πŸ”» | Carry joy in the heart to heal | πŸ”»


"If you carry joy in your heart, you can heal any moment" ~Carlos Santana


Carlos Santana is one of my favorite shoe designers πŸ‘ . When I came across this Santana quote, it felt right to share at this point in my life. I now feel healed on many levels, and yet joy has carried me through the past chapter and this chapter.

It is joy of knowing that I am never alone, of knowing that I have this strong support system everywhere I go, of seeing others smile when I smile at them, of knowing that God is the only constant in my life.

How can I not be joyful!?

Happiness is simply an emotion, and joy is more powerful that it evokes laughter bubbling out of my soul. My soul is brighter each day as I learn more how to trust in the Lord. He has blessed me with so much that I want to share with others. By sharing, I write, speak, teach, dance, and travel to connect with others.

Joy, to me, is about making the effort to connect through paying attention and listening. It is not the other person's responsibility; it is mine. Feeling connected is more about giving rather than taking. Therefore, healing does happen through joy.

πŸ“Έ: Justin Kirk as of Thursday, 2 August 2018
#CarlosSantana #connect2communicate #CCC #speakerSEM #SEMspeaker #maestrospeaker #differentlyabled #differentlyabledspeaker #hearingimpairedspeaker #listener #thepepsimoment #pepsimoment #pepsi #tedxbirmingham2018speaker #tedxbham #tedxbirmingham #tedxbirmingham2018 #tedxbham2018 #beforeXafter
With sincere thanks to my public speaking comrade, @lacygunnoe

Sarah Elizabeth Moreman