🔻 The Approach Formula 🔻
The Approach Formula…
This simple visual represents a dynamic creative communications strategy when determining how to approach another person, no matter what background and/or (dis)ability of that person. The upside down triangle symbolizes the narrowing down to focus on the needs of the other person by giving attention and addressing concerns.
🔻 | Attention | 🔻
When starting a conversation/relating with the other person, pay attention by doing these two things first:
Eye contact
Speak Normal
🔻 | Adjust | 🔻
Allow your body language, facial expressions, and attention adjust as you learn the other person’s communicative needs:
Smile = approachable, accommodating
If the person asks for you to speak up, slow down, be more expressive, or whatever, then adjust progressively (do not be abrupt in your adjustments)
If visual cues are needed, body language, facial expressions, and appropriate hand gestures (in some cultures, a thumbs up or an ok sign is considered rude) are encouraged
If audible cues are needed, verbal directions and descriptions of persons, settings, and objects in the person’s surroundings are encouraged
Use the Accommodation Etiquette to discern the process of offering assistance
🔻 | Absorb | 🔻
You and the other person are connected after having reached a mutually beneficial communication strategy.