🔻 | Trust as defining word of my 2018 | 🔻
🔻 { Connecting to Communicate } 🔻 《Reflection》
2018 began with my strolling around the tree-lined streets of Córdoba, Argentina with one of my best friends, Krystal Pino and her RY Earhart tramily in 90° weather before stopping in CDMX to enjoy a carpe diem exploration of the Zocalo on my 28+ hour flight back to BHM, to frozen water pipes, $300+ power bills, and struggling to teach while coping with my grandmother's dying and concentrating on correctly pronouncing certain words for my TEDx talk...fast forward to ending 2018 with mind-reeling realizations about what I can do and what I have to graciously let go. Yes, 2018 has been been the best and most humbling year of my life...and I would not change anything, because I need these lessons that I will hold close to my heart. Only God knows what I have been through, and only He knows my heart.
I will share this one thing...it is about { t r u s t }. When I posted a reflection back on New Year's Day 2018, I wrote how I saw 《c o u r a g e 》 in the color of red for the year of 2017. Now I see { t r u s t } as the defining word for the year of 2018.
What I meant about { t r u s t } is probably not what you are thinking in general terms...trust to me means to not let fear dictate my thoughts and actions, not let fear push me into making plans for the sake of control, security, or whatever. { T r u s t } means to understand that it will work out for the good, and that I do not need to have answers now. I still struggle with trust everyday, but I thank God for His merciful patience that I am • l e a r n i n g • . Those close to me know how much I struggle with letting go of expectations, which may stem from my needing to know what is going on around me...not the gossip and pointless chatter...rather, more about life itself.
When I faced a certain decision, my friend pointed out that if I do not give it a chance, I may miss unrealized potential for something so wonderful and amazing. By bravely pushing away the fear that would have pushed me to say no, I took her advice and made my decision to say yes. Glad I did, because I am still growing in my understanding what { t r u s t } truly means.
Therefore, { t r u s t } is the defining word of my 2018.
#connect2communicate #CreativeCommunicationsConsultant 🔻 #CCC #speakerSEM #SEMspeaker #maestrospeaker #differentlyabled #differentlyabledspeaker #hearingimpairedspeaker #trust
With sincere thanks to my public speaking comrade, @lacygunnoe and photographer Justin Kirk, Thursday, 2 August 2018
Please note that the wristwatch I wear in this photo belonged to my beautiful Gran...